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9/13 HS Announcements

Posted Date: 09/13/2019

9/13 HS Announcements

Students, the fall Drivers Ed class schedule is currently posted on Classes will take place in the college classroom, right off of the library in the middle hallway. For any questions, please contact street smarts directly.

Homecoming guest forms can be picked up in the HS office. All students bringing a guest from another school will need to have the form filled out and turned back in to Tera by September 18th.

There will be a pep bus to GMG for this Friday's game. Bus will leave from the back of the high school at 5:45pm. Cost to ride the bus is $5. Forms can be picked up in the HS office and are due Friday at 8

If you want to purchase a pink, Hudson Dance shirt to support breat cancer awareness and our dance team, please pick up a form in the HS office. Forms and payment are due on September 23rd. Shirts will be delivered on October 8th and will be worn on October 11th and October 18th for the Pink Out at Grundy Center.