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Open Enrollment

Posted Date: 05/27/2020

Hudson Schools is proud to be the school destination of choice for numerous families in the Cedar Valley. The following procedures are outlined in Iowa Code 282.18 and 281—IAC Ch. 17.

Parent / Guardian Responsibilities:
File application form with resident and receiving district on or before March 1 of the school year prior to the open enrollment year.
If good cause applies, file the application form with both districts by the Thursday before the third Friday in September.
If the application is for a kindergarten student, file the application form with both districts on or before September 1 of the school year in which open enrollment is requested.
If the district has a diversity plan, file the application with the resident district by March 1st.
Carefully review the application for accuracy.
Be sure to indicate whether or not the student is in a special education program. You may request an attendance center with the understanding the district does not have to honor the request.
[Parents/Guardians] Provide for transportation of students.
If meeting economic eligibility requirements, apply with the resident district for transportation assistance.
If the family qualifies, transportation assistance may be actual transportation or a reimbursement paid directly to the parent/guardian.
If desiring to change receiving district, file petition with receiving district by March 1 of the preceding school year.
Notify the districts concerned if there is any change in the residence of the student during the open enrollment period.
If terminating the open enrollment, notify both districts involved.
If open enrollment is denied, the parent/guardian may appeal to Iowa District Court. If the application meets good cause due to repeated acts of harassment or if the child has a serious health condition that the resident district cannot adequately address, an appeal may be filed with the Iowa State Board of Education.
If the student moves from the district in which s/he currently lives during the term of the open enrollment, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to notify the former resident district and the new resident district.
Approval for one child in a family does not guarantee approval for younger children in the same family. Each child in a family must have an open enrollment request filed for him/her.
A pupil, who transfers school districts under open enrollment in all grades 9 through 12, shall not be eligible to participate in varsity contests and competitions during the first 90 school days of transfer. For questions on eligibility please contact the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union at (515) 288-9741 or the Iowa High School Athletic Association at (515) 432-2011.
For more information on Open Enrollment, please refer to the Iowa Department of Education website page on open enrollment.