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Fine Arts Program

Fine Arts Program


Music & Theater Booster Club

Volunteer Opportunities, Products,
and Donations(RevTrak)
RaiseRight Gift Cards

Hudson boasts a fine arts program that encompasses full instrumental and vocal music programming with a diverse set of offerings including regular curricular programming and extra/co-curricular programming. In addition to our outstanding music program, the district is very proud of its drama and speech program that includes two major theatrical productions a year and full participation in speech programming. Our fine arts program is led by veteran teachers Mrs. Carla Ramsey (instrumental music), Mr. Mitchell Stover (vocal music), and Miss Hannah Miedema (instrumental and vocal music). Our drama program is led by Mr. Stover and Miss Miedema.

Hudson Music & Theater Boosters 
The fine arts program is supported by the Hudson Music & Theater Boosters. One of our primary fundraising groups, the music and theater boosters strive to enhance our programs. Their work is done in service and support to students active in the music and theater programs. Volunteer opportunities are always available. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Hudson Music & Theater Boosters has a partnership with RaiseRight (formerly Scrip), a gift card fundraising opportunity where you can earn money for your student’s future band/vocal/speech trip account. These options are all available year round!

Learn about the Hudson RaiseRight program!

Instrumental Music

Pep Band

band concert


JH band

Students are introduced to instrumental music and the option to join band beginning in 5th grade. Our program is focused on the development of a well-rounded and comprehensive music education for all students. Through the program, we hope to show students how to succeed through hard work, passion for music, and teamwork with their fellow band members. Membership is open to all 5th-12th grade band students who currently play a band instrument. Students participating in the program receive regular individual lessons, group instruction, and various "extra" opportunities such as honor bands, music tours, and more. 


Beginning Band
Junior High Concert Band
High School Concert Band
Marching Band
Pep Band
Jazz Band


Individual lessons are required for all Junior High and High School Band students. Students are required to have at least 4 lessons per quarter, which cover ensemble literature as well as individual development on their instrument.

Vocal Music



Hudson High School has a long-standing tradition of excellence in vocal music. Students can participate in vocal music beginning in 5th grade, building on their skills from elementary music. The high school Concert Choir performs regularly throughout the year in concerts and at the annual state contests. Students also participate in the state solo/ensemble contest, where Hudson entries have received division I ratings and the prestigious Outstanding Performer award. All members of Concert Choir are eligible to audition for membership in the Hudson Jazz Choir, which meets outside of the school day to prepare music for Jazz Contest and other community outreach events throughout the year. High school vocalists may also audition for the Iowa All State Chorus. Acceptance into the chorus is the highest honor a high school singer can achieve during their secondary performing career. Students in 7th-9th grades also have the option to audition for the OPUS Honor Choir. Students in junior high choir also perform regularly at concerts throughout the year. Junior high choir students have the opportunity to participate in the annual musical, as well.





Fall Play



The speech & theater program at Hudson offers many opportunities for students to get involved with performing onstage. Students can participate in the annual musical and play, open to any student at Hudson High School. Speech begins rehearsals in November and performs at contest in January and February. Hudson performers have competed most recently in the large group categories of musical theater, ensemble acting, group improvisation, and readers theater. Students involved in the musical also take part in the Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards program. Hudson actors have received awards for Outstanding Performance in a Lead Role and have been invited to perform in the IHSMTA Showcase in June. Speech and theater students are also seen regularly performing at events within the Hudson community.