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Friday Board Bulletin 4/19/2024

Posted Date: 04/19/2024

Friday Board Bulletin 4/19/2024

Board Members:

So, I ran the math. Including my TBH (Time Before Hudson), I have served in an executive school administration role for 20 years. (We can talk about how old that makes me another time.) Nevertheless, that time frame encompasses hundreds of school board meetings. While I never rank them, I don't believe there is one that matches what happened on Wednesday night. What an incredible board meeting! Not only did you make very important decisions that will have ramifications far into the future, you had an opportunity to see firsthand the impact of some of those decisions. 

Our students were on Cloud 9! I don't think it would be a mistake to say they had as much fun interacting with you as you did interacting with them. For Mr. Dieken and myself, it made us incredibly proud to be able to see the hard work of our students pay such dividends. I want you to share in that pride and understand with better clarity how important the work is that you do, and that it does make a difference. Hopefully, interactions like this make it all worth it. There is no doubt I can draw a straight line from a decision the board has made to a whole host of opportunities available to our students, just like those shared with you on Wednesday. 

It is seeing that kind of success that makes this work so special. And you are a huge part of it. Thank you for supporting them!

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

Dr. Tony Voss